Minggu, 04 Desember 2011


Many peoples say if keep emotional continuous for a long time can break sometimes and can do something more bad than people who always emotional. Because of that, if there are anger must be lost or replace to something not violate rules and not harm the others.
Feel What The Other People Feel
  If you are angry to the other people. Try to change position to be victim who get anger from you. How do you fell if you get anger? If the anger for education and building may be have a benefit but if stupid anger like broken anything, of course you will laugh to yourself.
Calm Your Heart In The Comfort Place
  If you are angry, change your attention to something you like and forget all had happened. Place which silent and fresh like park may be suitable place for you.
Find Your Favorite Activity To Make You Keep Busy
  To forget act or something make your emotional to be angry, you need something to change angry with do something make you happy and can make you forget about problem you have. Example like listen music, play PS, read book, chatting, write, watch film, etc. Avoid stupid act like smoke, use drug, and the others bad things.
Outpouring To The Other People Who Can Believe
  Tell all had happened from your self may be can a little much help to reducing the burden in your heart. Do not outpouring to people who can not believe for prevent your private outpouring spread to other people who not you want.
Find Caused And Find Solution
  When your mind begin to calm. Try to find source problem and how to finish it with the best way. To make easy, use a piece of blank paper and a pen to write list of problem you have and find solution of that problem. May be all will reducing the burden in your mind.
Not Care And Forget The Problem You Have
  When anger around yourself and you conscious so you must not care with your anger. Change anger to be something not important. Example in your heart say it just not important problem to me, so why you angry.
Hope Success To Calm You Anger Emotional

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